The Hagerstown Parkinson’s Support Group
Hagerstown, MD and the Four-State Area

Parkinson's Disease Information
How is Parkinson's Diagnosed?

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What is Parkinson's Disease







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How is Parkinson's diagnosed?

Parkinson's Disease affects less than one percent of the general population, but three percent or more of those are older than 60. There are approximately 60,000 people diagnosed with the disease per year. The average age of onset of symptoms is 60, but five to ten percent of patients have symptoms before the age of 40. The prevalence is expected to triple in the next 50 years.

Persons are diagnosed based on the symptoms they have and a physical examination by a qualified doctor. There are no standard laboratory tests available, although testing is often done to exclude other similar diseases. A significant improvement in symptoms related to taking the medication carbidopa/levodopa is helpful in making the diagnosis since nearly all patients with Parkinson's disease respond to this medication.

It is important to see a neurologist who is a movement disorder specialist because they deal with Parkinson's Disease on a daily basis.  If you need a recommendation for a specialist, please contact us.




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